KLM 747-400 Maiden Flight   4. Taxi to runway

Taxi to runway 36L, the polderbaan

First thing is to turn on taxi lights.
Down in the middle on the 'Overhead panel' (Ctrl+Shift+O) turn TAXI to ON.

From Ground Control, we could have received the following route:
"Taxi to runway 36L via A16, B, C, cross runway 36C at W5, V, V4".

                    Ready to roll....
                    Throttle up a few steps with 'PgUp' or 'F3' until N1 on the EICAS is around 34 (Dependant on weight of the aircraft).

                    On the upper left corner of the Navigation Display (ND) we can see the groundspeed according to the GPS:
                    - Keep the speed under 25 on straights.
                    - Keep the speed under 15 in gentle curves.
                    - Keep the speed under 7 in sharp turns.
                    - Keep the speed above 4 to keep rolling.

                    Stear with the arrowkeys on the numeric keypad to use '5' for straight out.

On the longer straights we can already prepare a bit for the start:

On the Communication panel (Ctrl+Shift+C) we set the Autobrakes to RTO.

On the EICAS on the main cockpit screen we see some messages:
- White messages are normal.
- Yellow messages are warnings.
- Red messages are serious problems.

During taxi we set the flaps to 20 by pressing 'F7' four times.

When we are on a runway or in the air, the STROBES lights must be on,
this also applies when crossing a runway!
After crossing, they must be turned off again!

At the end of V we pass the new (second) tower for the polderbaan.

Before we turn onto the runway we set the Transponder to TA/RA on the Communications panel (Ctrl+Shift+C)
to also transmit our altitude and to turn on Traffic Alerting/Resolution.

At V4 we turn nice and slowly on runway 36L ...

... and align on the centerline while cutting of power (F1).

"Schiphol Tower, KLM0000 ready for departure on runway 36L"

Save as Flight

This is a good moment to save the current setup/situation as Default Flight.
Then you don't need to do all of this setup again next time.
In the menu go to 'File'>'Save Flight...' and call it for example 'KLM 747-400 at EHAM 36L'

ATTENTION: Check if all switches are in the correct positions. Sometimes these are not saved correctly!
Especially MCP and lighting switches go wrong sometimes.

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